How to set up outriggers
Here is the basic setup for your outriggers
You have just installed a set of outriggers and now wish to rig them up for fishing. Here is a basic setup to get them working for you.
You will need;
- Outrigger line
- 2.3 alloy crimps to suit the outrigger line above
- Eylets/rings or rollers if not already installed on the poles (Normally 3 per side). N.B no longer currently available from wellsys. (supplied by reelax in the rigging kit). Not required for Hook'em outrigger poles (eyelets already installed) & Top Shot outriggers (rollers installed)
- Pulleys x 2
- 2 x "D shackles" to connect pulleys to top ring.
- Snubbers x 2
- Deck saddles x 4 (2 for each side of the boat - 1 will be for fishing and the other when you're planing)
- Stainless screws for securing deck saddles (N.B these are not available from Wellsys)
- snap swivels x 4
- Release clips x 2